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Bye - Laws of Veer Mitra Society

  • Name of the Society
  • Address of the Society
  • Date of Formation
  • Jurisdiction of the Society
  • Business Hours of the Society
  • Veer Mitra Society
  • New No.6-B, Third Street, Race View Colony, Guindy, Chennai- 600032
  • 3 May 2024
  • Chennai South
  • 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM


 1. To undertake activities that promote the well being and care of the Retired Officers from the Indian Armed Forces and their families who are Members of the said Society and utilise their experience for general Societal benefits”

 2. To serve as a proactive facilitator in meeting all healthcare requirements of the members, including but not limited to procuring Group Medical Insurance, supporting timely medical guidance, and preferential access to specialized medical facilities. Collaborating with organizations offering home healthcare services, conducting health awareness campaigns, and offering support for mental health issues and overall well- being.

 10. To affiliate with similar Society or Societies or to join with other Societies etc, on such terms and conditions as the Governing Board of the Society may decide from time to time.

 11. To invest the funds of the Society in accordance with the provisions of section 11(5)read with section 13(1)(d) of the Income Tax Act,1961 as amended up to date.

 12. To engage in charitable activities as approved by the Board for the benefit of the poor and sick.

 13. To do all such other things as are incidental to or conducive to the attainment of its objects, as a non-profit making organization.

 14. To utilize the income for the Society towards furtherance of the objects of the Society and that the funds or assets of the Society shall not be utilized for payment to the authors or trustees or members by way of profit, interest or dividend.

 15. To draw, make, accept, endorse, execute, negotiate, purchase, lend money upon, discount, hold and dispose of cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and other instruments and to cancel or change such instruments as per statute of Government.

 16. To engage such officials, servants or other persons as may be found necessary or useful for the conduct and management of the affairs of the Society.

 17. To make bye-laws, rules and regulations of the Society and to delete, change, or add to the same from time to time.

 18. To do all such other acts as may be necessary, incidental, conductive or convenient to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.

1. Definitions & Abbreviations :

Governing Board Means the Governing Board of Veer Mitra Society as constituted under these rules and byelaws.
Office Bearer means a person holding the Office of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Joint Secretary or EC Member in the Governing Board as per the rules and byelaws of the Society.
Member means member of the Society as defined under Clause 3 of these byelaws.
Membership Register means the Register containing the details of the members maintained by the Society.
AGM or the Annual General Body Meeting means the Annual Meeting of the members of Veer Mitra Society.
EGM means the Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting of Veer Mitra Society.
All disputes regarding VMS and their activities shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Law at the VMS headquarters at Chennai only.
GBM means Governing Board Meeting.

Unless the context otherwise requires:-

  1. “The Act” means The Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act, 1975. Act 27 of 1975

  2. The Board means the Governing Board of the Society elected or nominated as per this Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association from time to time.

  3. The 'General Body' refers to the collective term for all primary members and associate members of the Society, who can attend and vote at General Meetings and contest elections to be a Member of the Governing Board.

  4. “Articles of Association” means the Articles of Association of the Society.

  5. “The fund of the Society shall mean all the assets, movable and immovable including contributions and aids received from persons, institutions, corporates and societies.

  6. “Memorandum” means Memorandum of Association of the Society.

  7. The term 'Indian Armed Forces' specifically refers to the Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, and Indian Coast Guard.

  8. 'Serving' means a commissioned officer currently in active service in the Indian Armed. Forces, while 'Retired' refers to any person who has served in the Indian Armed Forces as a commissioned officer and is not currently in active service.

  Forces, while 'Retired' refers to any person who has served in the Indian Armed Forces as a commissioned officer and is not currently in active service

  10. Words signifying masculine gender shall extend to and include feminine gender and vice- versa.

  11. Words signifying singular number shall include plural and vice-versa.

2. Society Not For Profit

The Society shall not operate for profit and accordingly its net income after meeting all expenses and setting apart such funds as any be determined by the Board at the end of each year towards repayment of deposits accepted or loans raised or interest due and all other expenses, shall be expended solely for the promotion of the objects set forth in the Memorandum of Association. Provided however that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of actual travelling expenses to any Board member for attending an Society Meeting or amounts paid towards his travelling and other actual expenses or of remuneration to any officer or servant of the Society in return for any service actually rendered nor prevent payment of any borrowed amount from any member or members of the Society or of rent for any land or building demised to the Society.


 3.1 Eligibility and Conditions for individuals desiring to be members of the Society.

 The membership of the Society shall consist of the following categories: 1) Primary Members who will be Ex-Servicemen (ESM) Officers from the Indian Armed Forces or on the demise of the Officer his/ her spouse. 2) Associate Members who will comprise children of the ESM who are above 25 years of age However more categories of membership can be added as and when it is found necessary to do so. The Governing Board shall have the authority to add or modify categories of membership

 3.2 Eligibility Criteria for Becoming a Member:

 3.2.1 Primary Member: Retired Officers of the Indian Armed Forces including their spouses, widows, widowers.
 3.2.2 Associate Member: Children of Primary Member above 25 years of age.

 3.3 Membership Procedure:
 3.3.1 The Membership Application shall be in a form prescribed by the Governing Board and shall be duly proposed and seconded by existing valid members. It shall be accompanied by documentary evidence of eligibility, and prescribed membership fees paid digitally.
 3.3.2 The Governing Board is the final authority to admit applicants to all categories of membership. The Governing Board shall also accept the resignation from membership as also decide cessation of membership for any reason.
 3.3.3 The application in the prescribed form along with a declaration stating that he will be loyal and faithful to the Society, that he shall not do anything prejudicial to the interest of Society, that his continuance in the Society shall be for the benefit of the Society, without any profit motive shall be duly signed and submitted to the Governing Board. Such application(s) shall be considered by the Board on its merits taking into account the background, interests and occupation of the persons, and if 2/3 of the members of the Board present at the meeting of the B1o5ard are satisfied that the applicant is a person suitable to be admitted as a member, then the Board shall declare that such person is eligible to be admitted as a member and intimate that person that he is admitted as a member of the Society and his name shall be entered in the membership register. If the Governing Board of the Society after considering the application filed by the applicant decides that applicant is not a suitable person to be admitted as a member, such decision shall be intimated to the applicant and the entire amount deposited shall be returned to him forthwith. The decision of the Governing Board in this matter shall be final.

 3.4 Membership Fee
 3.4.1 Admission and Registration Fee: A one-time admission fee of Rs 1500 will be payable by all individuals who voluntarily seek and are granted membership of the VMS.
 3.4.2 Annual Subscription Fee: An annual subscription fee of Rs 1000 per member will be required from all members to ensure the operational, existent, and maintenance needs of the VMS. All the Annual fees fall due on the 1st April of every year for the forthcoming Financial Year and there is no concept of proportionate payment and this has to be paid before 31st May of every year. Any member desirous of paying Fees in Advance can do so.
 3.4.3 Refundable Advance: Apart from the Fees as mentioned above, Founding Members and Other Members can advance money based on requirement if any, as intimated by the President and it will be repaid on priority without interest. All such advances and repayments to be recorded in the immediately succeeding meeting of the Governing Board.

 3.5 Resignation:
 A member wishing to resign his/her membership shall communicate the same to the Secretary of the Society in writing. Membership fee of such member already paid (except Fees paid for future years if any) shall not be refunded and the name of such member shall be removed from the Membership Register. In case any fees is due at the time of resignation, it has to be paid before the resignation is effected.

 3.6 Cessation of Membership:
 The Governing Board by a three fourth (3/4) majority of the members present in the meeting may remove the name of any member from the Register of Members for gross misconduct after sending him/her a notice by Registered Post and giving him/her a proper opportunity to defend himself/herself including a hearing in person. Such action of the Governing Board shall be subject to ratification by 2/3 members present at the General Body Meeting of the Society. When a member dies or resigns or intends to discontinue from the membership of the Society, then his membership fee shall not be refunded, but will be treated as donation to the Society. Membership in the Society shall not be transferred or transmitted to legal heir, l1e6gal representative or any other person.

 3.7 Membership Register:
 A Membership register containing the names and addresses of the members shall be kept at the Registered Office of VMS. On receiving information from members, all changes pertaining to the members including their citizenship or addresses shall be recorded in the Register. An updated list of members along with their names and addresses will be available in the website and will be updated on a half yearly basis.

 3.8 Privileges of Members:
 Subject to the provisions of these rules and bye laws, all Primary and Associate Members shall be entitled to participate in all the activities of the Society.

4. Governing Board

1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Joint Secretary
6. Two Executive Members

4.1 Tenure
The Tenure of all the office Bearers of the Society shall be for a period of 3 years. The existing office bearers can seek reelection for a maximum number of two times. (An Office Bearer can be so for a maximum period of 9 years). A person once elected to the post of President shall not be eligible to contest for any post in the Governing Board. The First set of Office Bearers shall be confirmed by the subscribers to this Byelaws in the first Governing Board meeting which shall be held within two months from the date of Registration of the Society. The first Election to the Governing Board shall be held Society not later than one year from the date of Registration of the Society.


 5.1. Elections to the Governing Board shall be held once in 3 years in the month of June.

 5.2. The Secretary will communicate through an Election Circular, the details of election process rules and eligibility criteria to the individual members to their registered email ID, Social media and VMS web page in the month of February.
 5.3. The Nomination Paper which shall set out the candidate’s Name and Address and the office for which the candidate is nominated shall be proposed by one Primary Member, seconded by another Primary member and duly signed by the candidate signifying his/her willingness to stand for the election and to serve in the Governing Board if elected. The nomination papers can be submitted on line or offline.
  5.4. Nomination papers must reach the Secretary not later than the date specified in the circular relating to the election process.
 5.5. A Biodata of the contesting candidate not exceeding 200 words may accompany the nomination. Canvassing in any form in favour of the candidate shall not be permitted.
 5.6. The elections shall be conducted from the Headquarters at Chennai. A 3 member election committee consisting of the sitting President, the Secretary(incase he is not contesting) and one/two other members nominated by the Governing Board shall conduct the election. The President shall be the Chief Electoral Officer who shall be solely responsible for initiating and conducting the elections as per VMS rules and regulations in force. Any member contesting in the election shall not be part of the Election Committee. The Election committee will also set up a secure online system accessible to all to receive votes.
 5.7. The Secretary shall inform the contesting candidates of all the nominations received for the post they are contesting, by e-mail to their Registered email address. If a candidate wishes to withdraw his/her nomination, he/she should inform the Secretary in writing on or before the date mentioned in the election circular.
 5.8. In case of a contest for any post the Secretary shall send the ballot paper to the members for voting before the date mentioned in the Election Circular by Registered Post by India Post only. The ballot papers shall have the VMS logo affixed on it. The ballot paper shall bear the signature of the Chief Electoral Officer. Collection of ballot papers by the contesting candidates is not allowed. Any candidate found indulging in any unfair election practice shall be disqualified from the election.
 5.9. The Members should return the ballot paper after casting their vote to the office by the date notified in the election circular. It should be posted by the voter himself/herself from the city of his residence or nearby area. On line votes will be submitted from registered email ids only. Ballot papers received by hand will not be accepted.
 5.10. If the deadline for any of these procedures falls on a Sunday or a Bank Holiday, the next working day shall be deemed to be the deadline.
 5.11. The ballot papers received online and offline should be opened and counted by the Election Committee either in person or in an online meeting, in the physical or online presence of the contestants / their authorized representatives who are members of VMS and whose signature shall be obtained on the Election Committee Report. Before counting, the Election Committee shall record the details of the ballot papers printed, posted, received undelivered from the Post Office and returned by the voters. The Committee on the spot shall decide on the objections and complaints received from the Contestants or their Authorised Representatives. The results declared shall be hosted on the website of VMS as and when it is ready.
 5.12. Any Governing Board member may resign his position by communicating the same in writing to the Secretary or the President. The resignation shall take effect from the date of its acceptance by the Governing Board.
 5.13. Any Governing Board member who ceases to be a valid member for any reason shall be deemed to have vacated his office in the Governing Board.
 5.14. All vacancies in the Governing Board occurring as a result of uncontested position or otherwise shall be filled by the Governing Board.
 5.15. An individual member irrespective of his contribution to the fund of the Association shall have only one non-transferable vote.
 5.16. Any member who is in arrears of any amount due to the Association or any member who has been declared disqualified is not eligible to stand for election or exercise voting power.
 5.17. If any casual vacancy arises in the Board due to any reason, the Board shall have full power to fill up the vacancy by nominating any person to such vacancy and such nominees shall have all the rights and privileges of an elected member of the Board and his/her term shall be co-terminus with that of an elected member.
 5.18. If due to some reason a vacancy of the post of any office bearer is caused, then the members of the Board can fill up that vacancy from among them.

6. Order of Precedence and Protocol

Vice President
Joint Secretary
Executive Members

7. Meetings

 7.1 Governing Board Except otherwise provided, a Notice of six (6) weeks will be given for the regular meetings of the Governing Board. Any notice for a meeting will state the date, time and place at which such meeting will be held, including the proposed agenda of the meeting. All Notices shall be delivered by mail and other electronic media.
 7.1.2. Annual General Body Meeting: The Annual General Body Meeting of the Society shall be held each year on a daytime and place to be fixed by the Governing Board. The notice and agenda for the Annual General Body Meeting of the Society shall be posted at least 6 weeks in advance of the date fixed for the meeting.
 7.1.3. The Governing Board shall submit an Annual Report of the proceedings of the Governing Board and its Committees, if any, and of the activities of the Society together with a statement of the Assets and Liabilities of the Society and the abstract of Receipts and Disbursements during the year and the report of the Auditors, if any.
 7.1.4. The President may, whenever he thinks fit upon requisition made in writing and signed by 1/3rd of the Members of the Society, shall convene a Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting (EGM). Any requisition made by the members shall state the objects of the EGM proposed to be called and shall be addressed to General Secretary.
 7.1.5. The Secretary shall, upon receipt of such a requisition, proceed to convene, under Orders of the President, a EGM, which shall be held within 15 days from the date of receipt of such a requisition either Online or at a place and time fixed by the President. Notice period for EGM will be 10 days.
 7.1.6. At the EGM, only the business to which the notice has been given or such questions as naturally arise thereon shall be discussed.
 7.1.7. 1/3 of the members present at the General Body Meeting shall form the quorum for any General Body Meeting.
 7.1.8. If there is no quorum within half an hour from the time appointed for a General Body Meeting, the meeting if convened on the requisition of the members shall stand dissolved, and in any other case, shall stand adjourned for half an hour and will meet on the same day after the aforesaid period.
 7.1.9. The person presiding at the General Body Meeting may, with the consent of the General Body, adjourn the same, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting at which the adjournment took place. No quorum shall be necessary for any adjourned General Body Meeting.
  7.1.10. At any General Meeting, a resolution put to the vote shall be decided on a show of hands unless, before or on the declaration of the results on the show of hands a poll is demanded by at least five members. If no poll is so demanded a declaration by the Chairman of the Meeting that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried, or carried unanimously or by a particular majority, or lost shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favor of or against that resolution. But if a poll is demanded it shall be taken at the same time in such manner as the Chairman shall direct.
 7.1.11. Any donor or other benefactor, expert or specialist, not being a member, who is invited by the Board shall be entitled to be present and may be permitted to speak at any general meeting, but shall not be entitled to vote.

8. Governing Board

8.1 Governing Board Meetings: The Governing Board shall meet at such times as may be necessary for the transaction of the business of the Society. A minimum of three such meetings shall be held in one Financial Year. Meetings may be held online using online platforms and minutes in writing and as a hard copy will be kept by the Secretary as a record of the same.
8.2 A Meeting of the Governing Board shall be convened by the General Secretary with the consent of the President.
8.3 At least 6 weeks notice shall be given to the members of the Governing Board for an ordinary meeting of the Governing Board. The General Secretary shall convene a special meeting of the Governing Board on a requisition in writing signed by not less than 3 members of the Governing Board. However an urgent meeting of the Governing Board may be called at a shorter notice but notice should not be less than 3 days.
8.4 1/3rdof the members of the Governing Board shall be quorum for the meeting of the Governing Board. If there is no quorum within 15 minutes after the appointed time, the meeting if convened on requisition, shall be dissolved, but in any other case shall stand adjourned for half an hour and meet at the same place and on the same day. For such an adjourned meeting a quorum will not be necessary and it may transact the business for which the meeting was called.
8.5 If the President of the Governing Board so directs, any business of the Governing Board may be transacted by circular on paper instead of at a regular meeting.
8.6 The size of the Governing Board can be increased by passing a resolution at any General Body Meeting supported by a majority of the members.

9. Management

9.1 The management of the Society shall be vested in the Governing Board, who in addition to the powers by these Rules expressly conferred upon them, may exercise all such powers, and do all such acts and things, as may be exercised or done by the Society but which are not hereby or by law expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by the Society in a General Body Meeting.

9.2 Without prejudice to the general powers hereby conferred, the Governing Board shall have the following powers:
 9.2.1 To acquire for the Society by purchase, lease or otherwise, any property, rights, or privileges which the Society is entitled to acquire at such price and generally on such terms and conditions as they may think fit.
 9.2.2 To enter into all such negotiations and contracts (on a representative basis) or rescind and vary them, and execute and do all such acts, deeds and things, in the name and on behalf of the Society, as they may consider expedient for or pertaining to any of the properties, rights and privileges or the purposes of the Society.
 9.2.3 To borrow or secure the payment of any sum or sums of money for the purposes of the Society.
 9.2.4 To institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Society or otherwise concerning the affairs of the Society and to compound and allow time for payment or satisfaction of any debts due and of any claims or demands by or against the Society.
  9.2.5 To refer any claim or demands by or against the Society to arbitration and to observe and implement the awards.
 9.2.6 To make and give receipts, release and other discharges for money payable to the Society and for the claims and demands of the Society.
 9.2.7 To receive donations and any other sums of money and all and any other material, articles and things due to or intended for the Society.
 9.2.8 To incur all necessary expenses for the maintenance and carrying out of the objects and intentions of these Rules and Memorandum of the Society.
  9.2.9 To appoint and, at their discretion, remove or suspend such managers, clerks, agents and servants for permanent, temporary, or special services as they may from time to time think fit, and to determine their powers and duties and fix their salaries and emoluments and to require security in such instances and to such amount as they may think fit.
 9.2.10 To constitute a Committee for any specific purpose as may be considered necessary.
 9.2.11 To nominate the Chairman and the Convenor from amongst the members of such a Committee. The Chairman will preside over such Committee meetings and the Convenor shall be responsible for convening the meeting, keeping its accurate minutes and forwarding the reports of these Committees to the Governing Board. The President and the General Secretary will be ex-officio members of these Committees.
 9.2.12 To make, vary and repeal bye-laws pertaining to the regulation of the business of the Society, its officers, mangers, clerks, agents and servants.

10. Property, Money and Accounts

10.1 The property, moveable or immoveable, belonging to the Society shall vest in the Governing Board.
10.2 No sale, exchange, mortgage, lease or other transaction of immovable property belonging to the Society shall be valid unless at least the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary execute the document concerned.
10.3 Bank Accounts :

10.3.1. All Bank Accounts of the Society shall be opened in any Scheduled Bank and will be operated by the Treasurer jointly with any one Office Bearer unless otherwise decided by the Governing Board.

10.3.2. The Governing Board shall set up online banking facility and identify specific type of transactions requiring approval and define hierarchy of approval levels. They will assign appropriate access permissions based on Governing Board members roles to the online banking portal. Accounts and other investments of the Association shall be operated by any two persons out of the following four viz. the President, Secretary, Treasurer and one member of the Governing Board duly authorized by the Governing Board.
10.4.1.Investments of the funds of the Society shall always be in line with what is permitted under Section 11(5) read with Section 13(1)(d) of the Income tax Act 1961 as amended upto date. However this can be extended with the approval of the General Body.
10.4.2 Any Investments of the Society shall be operated by any two persons out of the following four viz. the President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Joint Secretary and one member of the Governing Board duly authorized by the Governing Board for the purpose.

11. duties of office bearers:

 11.1 PRESIDENT: The President shall preside over the General Body, Governing Board, and all other meetings & functions of the Society. The President shall guide the activities of the Society and its aims & objectives. The President may allocate all or any of the powers and duties under this or any other clause of the constitution to any other office bearer as he/ she may deem fit and necessary for the discharge of his duties.
 11.2 VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President will preside over the meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice-President will act according to the duties assigned by the President and actively help the President to further the aims and objects of the Society in general and in the zones in particular.
Subject to the control and regulation of the Governing Board, the Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out the directions and decisions of the Governing Board, in particular, the Secretary shall:
11.3.1 Convene meetings of the Governing Board whenever necessary or called upon to do so.
11.3.2 Have administrative control over all the affairs of the Society.
11.3.3 Keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Society and Governing Board.
11.3.4 Prepare the annual Report of the Society and submit it to the concerned Registrar with whom the Society’s jurisdiction falls.
11.3.5 Be in charge of the assets of the Society,
11.3.6 Collect all dues of the Society and deposit such amounts into the bank account of the Society, and inform the Treasurer at least once a month of the moneys so received and deposited.
11.3.7 Make disbursements and maintain vouchers, provided that any expenditure exceeding Rs.10,000/- in a month shall be made after obtaining the sanction of the Governing Board.
11.3.8 Perform such duties as are incidental to his/her office.
11.3.9 All notice, communications, letters, memoranda and other papers whether they are acts of the Governing Board or of the General Body shall be signed or authenticated by the General Secretary and when so signed or authenticated shall be conclusive.
 11.4 TREASURER: The Treasurer shall maintain true accounts of the funds and other assets of the Society and of funds and other assets connected with or in any way controlled by the Society.

 11.5 JOINT SECRETARY Assist the Secretary in the performance of his duties and in his absence undertake the duty of the Secretary.

 11.6 EXECUTIVE MEMBERS The Executive Members should assist the Office Bearers in the smooth conduct of the Society activities and shall be responsible for the administrative affairs of the Society along with other Office bearers of the Society.


Any Suggestion / resolution submitted at a meeting of the Governing Board shall be decided by the majority of the votes cast by the members present and voting at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the person presiding shall have a second casting vote in addition to his vote as a member.


 The minutes of the Board and Annual General Meetings shall be recorded by the Secretary and shall be read and approved at the next meeting of the Board or Society as the case may be.

14. SEAL

The Society shall have a common seal accepted and adopted by the Board and the same may be affixed to any legal document to which the Society is a signatory.


 True accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer of all the moneys received and expended by the Society and of matters in respect of which such receipt and expenditure take place and of the property, credits, assets and liabilities of the Society, and such account of Income and Expenditure, together with a Balance Sheet shall be prepared and signed by the President, Secretary and the Treasurer and duly audited and certified by the auditor and shall be laid before the Society in the Annual General Meeting. Subject to any reasonable restrictions as to time and manner imposed by the Board, such accounts shall be opened to inspection of the Members of the Society. The Financial year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March of each year.


Accounts of the Society shall be audited every year by a Chartered Accountant(s) appointed by the General Meeting, provided that the first auditors shall be appointed by the Governing Board.


 In the event of winding up or dissolution of the Society the excess, if any that remains after the satisfaction of all the debts and liabilities, shall be transferred or handed over by the Governing Board to a Society or Society with similar objects and the members shall not claim any share in the assets or income of the Society.


18.1. Subject to the law in force at the time, the General Body shall have the power to add, vary or repeal any of the provisions concerned in the rule. Such additions, variations or repeals can be affected by means of a resolution of which due notice has been given and which has been associated assented to by the vote of at least 3/4th of the members present at the annual/extraordinary General Body Meeting.
18.2. The Annual General Body meeting shall take up the proposal for amendment (additions, variations or repeal) as and when required. The notice of such amendment shall be given by the member to the General Secretary by 28th February of each year. These proposals shall be discussed by the Governing Board in the March-April meeting and shall be posted for discussion with their comments if any in the relevant Meeting earmarked for discussing constitutional amendments. Any proposal considered urgent by the Governing Board, shall be taken up for discussion in the immediately following Annual General Body meeting.